political economy of industrialized countries

read Hall and Soskice (2001, p.21-33) as well as Bowman (2013a) and Bowman (2013b).1 Respond to the following questions:

  1. Hall and Soskice (2001) state that there are differences in the skills of workers in liberal and coordinated market economies. Describe how the skills of workers in Germany tend to differ from those of workers in the US.

  2. Bowman (2013a) describes the differences in the health care systems between Germany and the US. Could the differences in the type of skills explain the differences in health care systems? Analyze how skills and health care system might be complementary.

  3. We learned from Bowman (2013b) that the degree to which labor has the right to participate in management decisions differs between the US and Germany. Would some of the workers described by Hall and Sos- kice (2001) have a greater incentive to demand a voice in management decisions than others? Explain.

Pay attention to the formal requirements for the writing assignment:

  • Due: April 20th,11.59pm.

  • Submit your writing assignment via eLearning.

  • Maximum 5 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margin, 12-point font.

  • Remember, this is an essay, so structure your answers to these questions in a self- contained and readable fashion. Write professionally in a neutral tone, and do not assume anything on the part of your readers (do not address the paper to your professor).

  • Properly document all sources, including websites, and attribute all quotations to their original authors. The bibliography does not count towards your page limit.

  • As a rule of thumb, your answers to point 1 should be about 1 page, while your answers to point 2 and 3 should be 2 pages each.

    1To find the full references for these citations, please refer to the bibliography at the end of this assignment.


Bowman, John R. 2013a. Health Policy. In Capitalisms Compared: Welfare,

Work, and Business. CQ Press.

Bowman, John R. 2013b. The Labor Market. In Capitalisms Compared:

Welfare, Work, and Business. CQ Press.

Hall, Peter A. and David Soskice. 2001. An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism. In Varieties of Capitalism, ed. Peter A. Hall and David Soskice.

Oxford University Press, USA. 

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