Healthcare quality initiatives

Healthcare quality initiatives


Paper instructions:
In general, topics responses should be in the form of a short application paper, 2-3 pages in length using APA formatting, not including the required cover page and page for your reference list used to write about your chosen topics. In your paper: 1) introduce your topics, 2) discuss your topics, and then 3) make a conclusion about your topics.


HCA402: Written Assignment Grading Rubric Component Requirement Weighted Value
Cover Page
APA Cover Page (Title, Name, Date, Class, Instructor). Abstract not required.
Quality of Content
Each short application paper is 2-3 pages in length, not including cover and reference page. The papers will consist of concise examinations on specific topics within the modules.
Technical Writing
Proper writing mechanics, paraphrasing, use of quotations, proper grammar, spell check, and transitioning between subsections. Writing should be original, well paraphrased, and properly cited.
APA Formatting
APA formatting is doubled-spaced, 1” margins, using proper headings and subheadings, with proper source citations on all statistics, numbers, concepts, or graphics borrowed from another author.
Reference Quality
Primary or quality secondary sources that are dated, by reliable authors, or organizations.
APA References
Proper references must include the author/organization, year published, title, and publication source as appropriate in APA.
Turnitin Originality Report
All students will submit their papers to the appropriate Dropbox. The Dropbox basket is integrated with Turnitin. Please read the Academic Honesty policy. A plagiarized document will result in a minimum penalty of an “F” for the paper (zero points).
A plagiarized document will result in a minimum penalty of an “F” for the paper (zero points).
Timely Submission
Written Assignments are due 11:59 PM Sunday EST/EDT of the assigned module.
Late work costs up to (-5%) of total points

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