View the video Appraisals as a Motivational Tool below. In the video, Judith Leary-Joyce is a speaker, consultant and author of bestselling business books “Becoming an Employer of Choice,”, “Inspirational Manager,”, and “Serial Achiever.r”. In this video clip she addresses the dread that many managers face when it’s time to complete performance appraisals. She includes many tips for turning the appraisal process into an opportunity for communication and employee motivation.”

After viewing the video answer the following questions in a Word document using APA format. The paper should be 800-–1000 words in length. Submit it to the course Dropbox:

  1. Briefly describe the appraisal process and how it should work.

  2. Do you agree with her observation that managers are tempted to just get the appraisal process over with and possibly take care of the appraisal through e-mail?

  3. What are some major factors that distort performance appraisals?

  4. Leary-Joyce states that people don’t get out of bed wanting to do a bad job and the appraisal process can motivate them to do a good job. How can that happen?

  5. What does she suggest managers do to make the meeting more successful?

  6. Based on all the above when and why would you recommend employee training and development plans?


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