Patients’ Mental Capacity to Make Decisions

I need to identify an ethical issue from a volunteering experience in a hospital and: 1) Identify 10 relevant significant peer reviewed papers 2) Do a critical analysis of each paper 3) Synthesizing their various ideas into a coherent discussion/argument.

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James USACambridge University
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David UK
David UKBriston
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Healthcare by Example

Healthcare by Example

How realistic is it to expect health care workers to model mental, physical, and spiritual health? If Americans tend to be overweight, under-active workaholics who experience burnout, why should health care workers be any different?

It’s is not imperative that healthcare workers represent the picture perfect example of healthy living so long as their lifestyle doesn’t impact their professionalism or patients’ health. If healthcare workers aren’t engaged in any illegality but indulge in what many Americans indulge in such as unhealthy eating habits, tobacco outside the workplace, and other unhealthy vices, these workers are not subject to being held to a higher or lower standard because of these habits. Only when these habits begin to impact their decision-making skills and care of patients would these issues pose any problems for the patient. Therefore, it would be ideal if healthcare workers espoused and represented the ideal picture of health, but because they are human, it isn’t realistic that all or most healthcare workers will not be obese or overweight and refrain from engaging in unhealthy habits outside the workplace. These workers are there to be judged on their performance and not their looks, just like all other professions.

Can you help to add something more on this one, please? Thanks, if not don’t worried I will get to it later on this weekend. Thanks.


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David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Current & Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector

Use the Internet or Strayer online databases to research five (5) of what you believe to be the most important and pressing economic issues that confront the United States healthcare industry today and will continue to do so into the next decade.

Provide a review of these issues in a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

Provide a detailed description of the issues that you have researched. Analyze the most significant economic effects of the researched issues on healthcare industry. Provide at least two (2) examples of these issues to support your response. Suggest specific strategies that relevant entities / stakeholders may use to address the selected issues from an economic perspective. Justify your response. Determine the strategic manner in which the United States can apply best economic best practices from other countries in addressing these issues. Assess the likelihood of government and or private sector effectively addressing the issues. Use at least ten (10) current references. Five (5) of these references must be from current peer-reviewed sources to support and substantiate your comments and perspectives.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length

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James USACambridge University
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David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Health information Management

You have been asked by your supervisor to create some new HIM training on RHIOs and HIEs, including information on data, characters, fields, records, files, and primary and secondary sources of information. She would like you to put all of this information into one handout that can be given to new staff who will be working with the facilities EHR system. She has given you the following guidance for the layout of the handout.


    1. Describe the difference between primary and secondary information sources.
    2. Define data, character, field, record, file and information. Give examples of each.
    3. Examine the screen shot below of an EHR registration screen. Analyze the parts of the screen and give 3 examples of data, a character, and a field from the screen shot. (For example: Show that the Patient Name area is a field.) You can do this as a list, a table, or graphically right on the screen shot (if you know how to do that!). You can be creative with this, and make it easier for someone new to understand the terminology.
    4. Distinguish between EHRs, RHIOs, and HIEs. Describe how stakeholders play a role in the success of RHIOs. Make conclusions about the benefits of these concepts. Your writing should make a convincing argument in support of RHIO’s and HIE.

Your paper should:

  • be 1-2 pages in length.
  • properly cite research sources.
  • be free of spelling and grammar errors.
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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Phoebe is a 7 year old girl. Last year she fell off a playground toy and landed on her head. She was examoned by a neurologist and seemed ok but 2 hours after she had a grandmal seizure. she was hospitalized for ten days but was having grand mal seizures more than 15 times a day. A neuro surgeon recommended removing a brain hemisphere to eliminate seizures. she spent 7 weeks recovering. Is it possible for phoebe to recover from her surgery and not have any evidence that a portion of her brain has been removed? She also does tap dancing will she be able to dance again?

Phoebe is a 7 year old girl. Last year she fell off a playground toy and landed on her head. She was examoned by a neurologist and seemed ok but 2 hours after she had a grandmal seizure. she was hospitalized for ten days but was having grand mal seizures more than 15 times a day. A neuro surgeon recommended removing a brain hemisphere to eliminate seizures. she spent 7 weeks recovering. Is it possible for phoebe to recover from her surgery and not have any evidence that a portion of her brain has been removed? She also does tap dancing will she be able to dance again?

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Selecting Patient Escorts

City Hospital is located in the heat of a large Midwestern city.  It is one of five major hospitals in the areas and has recently built a small addition for treating well-known patients, such as professional football players, top company executives, and signing stars.  Visiting or local celebrities always choose City Hospital if they need treatment.

City Hospital has about 1,200 hospital beds and employees 4,500 individuals, including about 40 patient escorts.  The job of patient escort is a rather simple one, requiring only minimal training and no special physical talents.  When patients need to be moved from one location to another, patient escorts are summoned to assist in the move.  If the move is only a short distance, however, a nurse or orderly can move the patient.  Of particular importance is the fact that patient escorts almost always take patients who are being discharged from their hospital room to the front door of the hospital.  A wheelchair is always used, even if the patient is able to walk unassisted.  Thus, the typical procedure is for the nurse to call for a patient escort; the escort gets a wheelchair and goes to the patient’s room, assists the patient into the wheelchair, picks up the patient’s belongings, wheels the patient down to the hospital’s front door to his or her car in the parking lot, and returns to the work station.
The job of patient escort is critical to the hospital since the escort is always the last hospital representative the patient sees, and hence has a considerable influence on the patient’s perception of the hospital.  Of approximately 40 escorts, about three-fourths are men, and one-forth are women.  Most are high school graduates in their early twenties.  Some, particularly those on the early morning shift, are attending college at night and working for the hospital to earn money to pay college expenses.  Four of the escorts are older women who had previously served as hospital volunteers and then decided to become full-time employees instead.  Turnover among patient escorts is quite good, and as a result, another 25 percent of the escorts typically transfer to other jobs in the hospital each year.  Thus, about half of the patient escorts need to be replaced annually.
The hospital follows a standard procedure when hiring patient escorts.  When a vacancy occurs, the HR department reviews the file of applications of individuals who have applied for the patient escort job.  Usually the file contains at least 20 applications because the pay for the job is good, the work easy, and few skills are required.  The top two or three applicants are asked to come to the hospital for interviews.  Typically, the applicants are interviewed first by the HR department and then by the patient escort supervisor.  The majority of those interviewed know some other employees of the hospital, so the only reference check is a call to these employees.  Before being hired, applicants are required to take physical exams given by hospital doctors.
Every new escort attends an orientation program the first day on the job.  This is conducted by the member of the hospital’s HR department.  The program consists of a complete tour of the hospital; a review of all the hospital’s HR policies, including a description of its promotion, compensation, and disciplinary policies; and a presentation of the hospital’s mission and philosophy.  During this orientation session, employees are told that the hospital’s image in the community is of major importance and that all employees should strive to maintain and enhance this image through their conduct.  After orientation, all patient escorts receive on the job training by their immediate supervisor.

During the last two years, the hospital has experienced a number of problems with patient escorts, which have had a adverse effect on the hospital’s image.  Several patients have complained to the hospital administration that they were treated rudely, or in some cases roughly, by one or more patient escorts.  Some complained that they were ordered around or scolded by an escort during the discharge process.  Others stated that their escorts were careless when wheeling them out of the hospital to their cars.  One person reported that an escort carelessly tipped him over.  All escorts are required to wear identification tags, but patients usually can’t remember the escort’s name when complaining to the hospital.  Additionally, the hospital usually has difficulty determining which escort served which patient because escorts often trade patients.  Finally, even when the hospital can identify the offending escort, the employee can easily deny any wrongdoing.  He or she often encounters that patients are generally irritable as a result of their illness and hence are prone to complain even the slightest provocation.
At the hospital administrator’s request, the HR manager asked the chief supervisor of patient escorts, the head of the staffing section within the HR department, and the assistant HR director to meet with her to review the entire procedure used to select patient escorts.  It was hoped that a new procedure could be devised that would eliminate the hiring of rude, insulting, or careless patient escorts.
During the meeting, a number of suggestions were made as to how the selection procedure might be improved.  Criticisms of the present system were also voiced.  The chief supervisor of patient escorts argued that the problem with the hospital’s present system is that the application blank is void of any really useful information.  He stated that the questions that really give insights into the employee’s personality are no longer on the application blank.  He suggested that applicants be asked about their hobbies, outside activities, and their personal likes and dislikes on the application blank.  He also suggested that each applicant be asked to submit three letters of recommendation from people who know the applicant well.  He wanted these letters to focus on the prospective employee’s personality, particularly the applicant’s ability to remain friendly and polite at all times.

The assistant HR director contended that the hospital’s interviewing procedure should be modified.  He observed that, during the typical interview, little attempt is made to determine how the applicant reacts under stress.  He suggested that if applicants were asked four or five stress-producing questions, the hospital might be in a better position to judge their ability to work with irritable patients.
The head of the staffing section noted that patient escorts require little mental or physical talent and agreed that the crucial attribute escorts need is the ability to always be courteous and polite.  He wondered whether an attitude test could be developed that would measure the applicant’s predisposition toward being friendly, helpful, sensitive, and so on.  He suggested that a job analysis could be done on the patient escort position to determine those attitudes that are critical to being a successful patient escort.  When the job analysis was complete, questions could be developed that would measure these critical attributes.  The test questions could be given to the hospital’s present patient escorts to determine whether the test accurately distinguishes the best escorts from the worst.  The head of the staffing section realized that many of the questions might need to be eliminated or changed, and if the test appeared to show promise, it would probably need to be revalidated in order to meet government requirements.  He felt, however, that a well-designed test might be worth the effort and should at least be considered.
The meeting ended with all four participants agreeing that the suggestions of trying to develop an attitude test was probably the most promising.  The assistant HR Director and chief supervisor of patient escorts stated that they would conduct a thorough job analysis covering the patient escort position and develop a list of attitudes that are critical to its success.  A second meeting would then be scheduled to prepare the actual test questions.

In a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference page) develop an APA formatted paper addressing the following discussion questions.  Remember to include context from your textbook along with other sources related to this article.  Examples of APA are under Assignments in your blackboard shell along with a helpful website for further instruction. A rubric for this assignment is located under Syllabus/Schedule content area of Bb.
1.  Critique each of the alternative approaches suggested for solving the problem of selecting patient escorts
2.  Recommend a procedure for recruiting and hiring patient escorts
3.  Besides improving its selection procedures, what other actions could the hospital potentially take to improve the behavior of the patient escorts?

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James USACambridge University
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David UK
David UKBriston
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Did he die of an injury, of illness, or was he murdered?

Tutankhamen died young, at around 18 years of age. However, his cause of death has not been confirmed. Did he die of an injury, of illness, or was he murdered?

1.Clearly state the ?mystery? and provide a brief summary of at least two (2) theories which could explain the mystery.

Because some theories may sound far-fetched, include the source or promoter of each theory ? such as a scientist, a historian, a theologian, etc.
2.Identify one (1) of the theories and provide at least two (2) convincing reasons why the theory you have chosen is the best one to explain the mystery.
3.Use at least two (2) sources besides the textbook.
Your assignment must:

?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

?Explain how key social, cultural, and artistic contributions contribute to historical changes.
?Explain the importance of situating a society?s cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.

?Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political, and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.
?Identify major historical developments in world cultures during the eras of antiquity to the Renaissance
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of world cultures.
?Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using proper writing mechanics.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Technology and Health Care

Technology and Health Care

Order Instructions:

As a member of ABC Consultants, you have been hired by a large organization to develop an innovated approach using current technology in health care delivery. This can be a product, a service, or an application.

Choose an organization in a sector including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical, insurance, manufacturing, software development, or facility design. Review its website and any recent articles about the organizations.

Resource: Technology and Health Care Grading Criteria

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper and include the following:

Describe your product, service, or application (m-health, e-therapy, virtual physician visits, and so forth).
Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access.
Discuss the social, ethical, and economic impact of your product, service, or application to the organization.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines


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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Explain the role of research and statistics in clinical psychology.

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James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Knowles’ adult learning theory and healthcare issues are embedded.

What is the significance of Knowles’ adult learning theory to instructional design in health care organizations? Give specific examples to support your position.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your