healthcare human resource

Do the following:

Write a 500 word essay, about the topic described below. Support your position by citing the text or other researched sources. Be sure to identify all sources.

  • Healthcare is a rapidly changing industry.
  • What factors are affecting the recruitment and retention of qualified staff? What are the major employment laws and how do they affect talent acquisition?
  • As an HR executive, what approaches would you use to ensure that you retain your employees?

Be sure to provide the following:

  1. A list of employment laws.
  2. Cite Federal laws related to wage administration as they apply to the topic.
  3. Discuss employment categories (you may have to do additional research).
  4. Support what do you believe is the best course of action to retain your employees?
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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Summarize how psychological disorders are classified.

Summarize how psychological disorders are classified. Include the role of the DSM IV. Your paper should address each of the following major classes of psychological disorders:

o Anxiety Disorders
o Dissociative Disorders
o Somatoform Disorders
o Mood Disorders
o Schizophrenia
o Personality Disorders

Describe the major characteristics and suspected causal factors for each class of disorder. Provide a Heading with the name of each disorder before discussion begins.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Healthcare practices

Throughout this course, we have learned how culture is a powerful tool that allows humans to adapt to their own unique environments. To better understand cultural diversity, comparisons between cultures are often used to explain the similarities and differences across societies. To demonstrate your understanding of the adaptive nature of culture, you will prepare a research paper that requires you to think about what people are doing, why they are doing what they do, and how these behaviors tie in with their environment.


In this paper, you will be comparing and contrasting one of the following topics in two cultures (other than your own), providing an analysis of the similarities and differences, and explaining why these differences might exist.

In your Partial Rough Draft, you selected a topic from the following list:

Body art and ornamentation
Child rearing practices
Healthcare practices
The use of music or dance as a form of political protest, or as a reflection of cultural issues, values and beliefs
Educational practices
Elderly care
Body language and proxemics
Rites of passage
Conflict resolution
Marriage practices
Alternative gender roles


An alternate topic that was approved by the instructor
In Week Three, you conducted your research and completed a Partial Rough Draft of the Final Research Paper. The library research guide helped you choose a topic, two cultures, and library recourses containing information to be used in the paper. You have also received feedback from your instructor on this draft. It is important at this stage that you carefully take the time to review the feedback that was provided. If, based on this feedback, you feel the need to conduct any additional research, now is the time to visit the Ashford University Library and locate additional scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will expand your rough draft into a five- to seven-page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) that contains the following components:

A discussion of how two cultures (other than your own) approach the topic, including specific ethnographic examples. Be sure to choose two specific and contemporary (currently existing) cultures. Terms such as European, Asian, or African refer to continents, not cultures, and are not appropriate for this paper. Describe the culture briefly, including elements such as location, language, kinship, or other relevant information. This helps the reader understand the cultural context of your topic.
A compare and contrast analysis how the two cultures approach the topic from a culturally relativistic perspective.
A discussion on the cultural context of the topic and how it relates to symbolic systems such as religion, communication, or ritual. Here, you can use what you described in section A and discuss how it relates to your topic as it is found in the two cultures, which you discussed in section B.
Take extra care as you are writing this paper to ensure that you have given proper consideration to all of the notes that were provided to you by your instructor. You will also want to allow plenty of time to proofread the Final Research Paper and double check for formatting and the use of proper citations. If you are concerned about plagiarism, please utilize the “Plagiarism Flow Chart.”


The paper must be five to seven pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Research Paper

The Final Paper:

Must be five to seven double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Write a Management and Leadership Paper on Memorial Hermann Healthcare System. I would like to know if you can

Write a Management and Leadership Paper on Memorial Hermann Healthcare System. I would like to know if you can: 

1.Recommend at least two strategies that organizational managers and leaders can use to create and maintain a healthyorganizational culture and support it.

2. Explain how the four functions of management(plan, organize, lead, and controll) support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture.

3. Describe the roles that organizational managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE

Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE

Design a complete quality improvement program on a specific health problem “Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE”

Design a complete quality improvement program on a specific health problem within a selected healthcare setting “Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE”
1- Select the needs for improvement in terms of antimicrobial stewardship

2- Apply performance measurement tools and design reporting mechanisms for measuring the quality of selected public health programs and health service institutions such as primary care, rehabilitation centers and hospitals institutions
3- Provide a time line for QI program
4- Predict expected barriers and your plan to overcome them as well as facilitation factors.
5- The program should be organized into: introduction; main body (with appropriate headings and subheadings); conclusion and recommendations; and references (APA style).

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

American Psychiatric Association Children”s Mental Health

Learning Resources


Required Resources



Optional Resources


  • Web Site: New York Times Series: Troubled Children

    Note: This page links to a series of articles that examine the transition to adulthood, the uncertainty of diagnosis, the use of multiple medications, and the role of parent

Discussion 2: Final Reflection


In Week 1, you composed your own definition of the phrase the well-being of children. You considered what the term well-being meant to you at that time, how you would determine a child”s well-being, and what factors have the most influence on children”s well-being. Now, as you complete this course, consider your original definition and how it has changed, expanded, or been corrected by your work and learning over the past 12 weeks. To help you prepare for this Discussion, reflect on the following:


  • In what ways has your personal definition of the phrase the well-being of children changed through your work in this course?
  • How did your learning in this course confirm, expand upon, and/or conflict with your prior knowledge with regard to factors that influence a child”s well-being?
  • What are the most valuable insights you gained from this course? How might you use these insights in the future?

With your thoughts in mind, follow the instructions for this Discussion.

By Day 3 of Week 12:

Post your responses to the following:

  • Write a definition of the phrase the well-being of children that reflects what you have learned in this course. Identify the factors that have the most influence on the well-being of a child. Cite your sources to support your reasoning.
  • Compare your current definition with your explanation of the well-being of children from the Week 1 Dscussion. Explain in what ways your work in this course has confirmed, expanded upon, or corrected your prior knowledge at the beginning of the course.
  • Explain your most valuable insight from this course and how you can apply it to your future work with young children and families.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

A popular concept in healthcare administration these days is the “service line.” Let us put you in the CFO position

A popular concept in healthcare administration these days is the “service line.” Let us put you in the CFO position for this question. For your own hospital, are you in favor of service lines? If yes, which specific service lines would you plan to utilize? If no, how would you plan to organize and manage the services of your hospital without service lines?



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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare.

Paper 2: Advance Directives—research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? Briefly discuss a situation in which a Living Will might apply and would be of benefit to those involved. Once you have researched and discussed Advance Directives, draft a sample Living Will, indicating the type of content that should be found in such a document. Some students take this opportunity to prepare their own actual Living Will, and that certainly is encouraged.


should be 3 to 5 typed pages, The format for paper should be in APA.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

Describe your professional goals, including your personal definition of nursing and concept of career opportunities in the field?

Describe your professional goals, including your personal definition of nursing and concept of career opportunities in the field?

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your

discussion question Healthcare

1. Compare the main strengths and weaknesses of the Gantt chart and PERT for project management, and give your opinion on which you believe is the most effective for project management.
2. Diagnose the key factors which can influence the riskiness of projects (investments) in health care organizations. Justify your response.
3. Analyze the concept of patients’ rights, and ascertain the key concerns of physicians and nurses as they apply to patients with AIDS. Speculate on the major ways in which such overlapping concerns from health professionals may influence legal decisions in patient treatment.

4. Summarize the overarching connections between patients’ rights and patients’ resulting responsibilities concerning HIV / AIDS. Determine the primary ways in which the professional roles that physicians and nurses play are affected as they treat patients with HIV / AIDS.

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James USA
James USACambridge University
“After I ordered a dissertation from your writing service, the first paper that I was given did not met my professor’s demand. I set the paper on revision and the writer made the revision for free meeting all my requirements and I was very satisfied. My teacher also approved my work. I would recommend students
David UK
David UKBriston
“After attending my brother’s wedding, I had only very little time to complete my paper. I was so worried because I knew that I could not bit the deadline. However, I was shocked by how your writers managed to deliver my paper on time, and I was among the best in our class in that paper. Thank you so much and I will never hesitate to use your