American Lit- The play by Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

1.Read the play, The Glass Menagerie. Now, focus on the ways in which one specific character escapes from conflicts with others or from inner conflict.

2.In an essay of at least one full page, discuss the theme of escape in the play, using short quotes or other evidence to support your ideas.

Make sure that your essay is double-spaced.

Use only a standard 12 pt. font, such as “Times” or “Times New Roman” (no italics, bold, or fancy fonts).

Indent paragraphs five spaces and have one-inch margins on all sides.

Your essay should conform to the APA style for formatting and citations, but for this assignment, you should only have one citation, which is the main anthology since no outside sources should be used.

Use only your own ideas about the readings. Authentic, personal, and insightful responses earn more points, while essays that use material from outside sources may receive a reduction in points.

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