Advanced Coding: E/M, Medicine, And Anesthesia

1.   Anesthesia administered to a normal, healthy patient undergoing an esophageal procedure is coded as

   A. 00500-P1.   B. 00502-P1.   C. 00500-P2.   D. 00506-P1. 

2.   A new patient comes into the doctor’s office for her annual gynecological exam. During the course of the exam, she undergoes a screening cervical cytopathology smear, which is performed by an automated system under the supervision of a physician. What HCPCS code is assigned?

   A. G0185   B. G7869   C. G7452   D. G0147 

3.   A new patient is seen for a home visit that involves a comprehensive history, examination, and medical decision making of high complexity. What code should be assigned?

   A. 99349   B. 99345   C. 99342   D. 99350 

4.   A prolonged evaluation and management service before and/or after direct patient care for one hour is coded as

   A. 99359.   B. 99358.   C. 99361.   D. 99360. 

5.   A 57-year-old patient is admitted to the hospital for a hip arthroscopy procedure. The patient is a normal healthy patient with no systemic disease. What anesthesia CPT code should be assigned?

   A. 01242-P2   B. 01202-P1   C. 01202-P3   D. 01202-P5 

6.   Anesthesia for procedures performed on the larynx and trachea in an 11-month-old child would be assigned to code

   A. 00620.   B. 00625.   C. 00326.   D. 00532. 

7.   A patient returns for a follow-up office visit regarding the repair of her fractured knee. The office visit consists of a detailed history, detailed examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity. What CPT code is assigned?

   A. 99213   B. 99212   C. 99211   D. 99214 

8.   Intramuscular nonhormonal antineoplastic chemotherapy administration would be assigned to code

   A. 96402.   B. 96405.   C. 96406.   D. 96401. 

9.   Home infusion with specialty drug administration during a 6-hour visit would be assigned what codes?

   A. 99606, 99607 ×3   B. 99601, 99602 ×4   C. 99604, 99605 ×2   D. 99603, 99604 ×2 

10.   A patient is seen for a psychiatric diagnostic evaluation. The physician obtains a complete history of the patient’s mental status and does a complete biological and psychosocial assessment along with a complete physical examination. The physician’s final diagnosis is recurrent episode of severe major depressive disorder, without any psychotic behavior involved. The patient also has a history of psychological trauma. What codes are assigned?

   A. F33.2, Z91.49   B. F33.1, Z91.47   C. F34.2, Z91.49   D. F36.2, Z91.46 

11.   A 17-year-old patient is diagnosed with a severe form of nutritional anemia. What ICD-10-CM code should be assigned?

   A. D45.9   B. D53.9   C. D74.9   D. D65.9 

12.   A 32-year-old patient receives anesthesia for spinal surgery. The anesthesia is complicated by utilization of controlled hypotension. What add-on anesthesia code would be assigned?

   A. 99174   B. 92117   C. 99100   D. 99135 

13.   Nursing facility discharge day management of 19.5 minutes would be assigned to code

   A. 99317.   B. 99319.   C. 99316.   D. 99315. 

14.   A patient is admitted to the hospital for leukemia. She has a comprehensive history, comprehensive examination, and medical decision making of high complexity. What CPT code should be assigned?

   A. 99202   B. 99223   C. 99213   D. 99251 

15.   A service that is rarely provided, unusual, variable, or new may require a

   A. physician’s authorization.   B. patient’s authorization.   C. staged or related procedure.   D. special report. 

16.   A new patient is seen for a prescription refill. During the visit, the physician obtains a problem focused history, problem focused examination, and medical decision making is straightforward. What CPT code should be assigned for this service?

   A. 99214   B. 99215   C. 99213   D. 99201 

17.   A 7-year-old child is brought to the clinic due to recurrent ear infections. The physician performs a bilateral tympanostomy under general anesthesia. What CPT code should be assigned?

   A. 69436-50   B. 69536-50   C. 69426-50   D. 69736-50 

18.   Code 00906 is assigned for

   A. an angioscopy.   B. anesthesia for surgery performed on the bony pelvis.   C. an osteotomy.   D. anesthesia provided for a vulvectomy. 

19.   A 25-year-old patient receives a Hepatitis A vaccination. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in the clinic. What CPT codes should be assigned?

   A. 90632, 90471   B. 90541, 90489   C. 90637, 90472   D. 90672, 90451 

20.   A dark adaptation examination with interpretation and report is assigned to code

   A. 92326.   B. 92284.   C. 92287.   D. 92325. 

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