Phoebe is a 7 year old girl. Last year she fell off a playground toy and landed on her head. She was examoned by a neurologist and seemed ok but 2 hours after she had a grandmal seizure. she was hospitalized for ten days but was having grand mal seizures more than 15 times a day. A neuro surgeon recommended removing a brain hemisphere to eliminate seizures. she spent 7 weeks recovering. Is it possible for phoebe to recover from her surgery and not have any evidence that a portion of her brain has been removed? She also does tap dancing will she be able to dance again?

Phoebe is a 7 year old girl. Last year she fell off a playground toy and landed on her head. She was examoned by a neurologist and seemed ok but 2 hours after she had a grandmal seizure. she was hospitalized for ten days but was having grand mal seizures more than 15 times a day. A neuro surgeon recommended removing a brain hemisphere to eliminate seizures. she spent 7 weeks recovering. Is it possible for phoebe to recover from her surgery and not have any evidence that a portion of her brain has been removed? She also does tap dancing will she be able to dance again?

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