Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE
Design a complete quality improvement program on a specific health problem “Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE”
Design a complete quality improvement program on a specific health problem within a selected healthcare setting “Quality improvement program for antimicrobial stewardship in health care in UAE”
1- Select the needs for improvement in terms of antimicrobial stewardship
2- Apply performance measurement tools and design reporting mechanisms for measuring the quality of selected public health programs and health service institutions such as primary care, rehabilitation centers and hospitals institutions
3- Provide a time line for QI program
4- Predict expected barriers and your plan to overcome them as well as facilitation factors.
5- The program should be organized into: introduction; main body (with appropriate headings and subheadings); conclusion and recommendations; and references (APA style).
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